The Overview
This Lab provides participates an opportunity to learn and/or expand their knowledge of DIVI Page Builder and explore opportunities to monetize what’s learned.
The new visual builder takes everything you love about Divi and makes it infinitely better through a new visual interface that allows you to build pages on the front end of your website. Add content, customize the design, type directly on the page and watch everything happen instantly right before your eyes..
CareerYouCreate WORDPRESS Project-Based Learning (PBL) Labs is designed to expose students to real-world business opportunities in an innovative learning environment.

Learning Objectives
Project Description and Deliverables
This Lab familiarizes students to both WordPress and Divi. Student will be exposed to the lastest modern design trends and learn how to accomplish them with Divi. More advance student will have an opportunity to create pre-made layouts to sell and take on redesign contract projects.
Who should register
This session is ideal for emerging and existing: Graphic Designers, Web Developers, Office Managers, Public Relation Professional, Consultants and DYI Entrepreneurs in various industry fields.
Prerequisites and Technical Requirements
To participate in the course you will need a computer with Internet access for onsite and at home assignments. A basic knowledge of working with the Windows 8 operating system, WordPress, CSS, Php and digital design is recommended.